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Remote Support Services

Follow the steps below to provide an Upson Productions' technician the remote service ID and Password.

Supports All Operating Systems!

1. At the top right corner of this support page, single left-click the [Upson Productions Remote Support!] button; and follow the stpes mentioned below (specifically for your browser-type).

Internet Explorer (Current)

Single left-click "Run"

Upson Productions | I.T. Services & Web Design in DC/MD/VA.
Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox (Current)

Single left-click the down arrow on the right of the downloaded file and single left-click "Open"

Upson Productions | I.T. Services & Web Design in DC/MD/VA.
Internet Explorer (Legacy)

Single left-click "Run." After the file has downloaded, select "RUN" again.

Upson Productions | I.T. Services & Web Design in DC/MD/VA.
Upson Productions | I.T. Services & Web Design in DC/MD/VA.
Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox (Legacy)

Single left-click "Save File." After the file has downloaded, select "RUN."

Upson Productions | I.T. Services & Web Design in DC/MD/VA.
Upson Productions | I.T. Services & Web Design in DC/MD/VA.

2. The TeamViewer client will then launch and provide a "Your ID and Password." Provide this information to the technician.

(An example of what you will be looking for is highlighted in the red boxes below.)

Upson Productions | I.T. Services & Web Design in DC/MD/VA.

Note: If you wish to install a full version of TeavmViewer to allow future access for support, [click here].

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